After Bengal, BJP’s Special focus on kerala

 By Gopal Krishna Agarwal, 

Thiruvananthapuram: It’s official now. BJP is going to shift its focus heavily on Kerala. The party leadership is just waiting for the election in West Bengal to be over. To achieve the political target, the party would draw new strategies to confront the CPM head on.

The efforts would be to hold the CPM responsible for the economic crisis and development stagnation the state encounters, said Gopal Krishna Agarwal, BJP national spokesperson in charge of Kerala and a chartered accountant by profession.

“We have stopped the practice of contesting elections for the sake of it in Kerala. After West Bengal, BJP’s political focus is largely on Kerala. It’s only bound to increase in the future,” said Agarwal who is in the state in connection with the assembly election.

The party, he said, is confident of winning the hearts of Kerala voters and form the government in a matter of a few years.

“This is not a pipe dream. We just need to explain our development agenda to the people and convince them. If a state like UP can achieve tremendous strides in terms of economic development in a span of a few years, Kerala with its intellectual capital, spices, and tourism potential, can do wonders,” Agarwal said, adding that governments that always fight with the Centre won’t be able to make major developmental strides.

Agarwal, who had earlier been attached to the West Bengal election, said it was the prominent presence of Marxists that scares investors away from Kerala.

“The basic concept and attitude of Marxists towards wealth creation is flawed. They talk about distribution of wealth. For that the basic requisite is creation of wealth. But unfortunately, Marxists won’t address the aspect of wealth creation. Private capital is still an anathema for them. They can’t perform the role of a facilitator,” he said.

Good economics is good politics, he said and claimed that the economic policies of the BJP government under the leadership of Narendra Modi are focused on long-term development and growth. The new amendments brought in by the Centre on agri-culture laws, he claimed, would benefit lakhs of farmers while they would go against the interest of a few others.

 “Our reform initiatives focus on long-term agenda. It is this point we want to reiterate in Kerala. Once in power, BJP would shows the dogged and proven commitment towards the infrastructure and industrial development of Kerala. Establishment of waterways, food processing units, value addition of spices, rubber and agriculture produce would be our fo- cus. Once an investment-friendly ecosystem is established, economic growth and employment opportunities would follow. These are not claims. We have practised and proven it in the states we are in power,” Agarwal said.

Our reform initiatives focus on agenda. It is this pointer long-term in Kerala. Once in power, BJP would show the dogged and proven commitment towards the infrastructure and industrial development of Kerala. Once an investment-friendly ecosystem is established, economic growth and employment opportunities would follow. These are not claims. We have practised and proven it in the states we are in power


मेल खाते हैं टूलकिट निर्देश कांग्रेस नेताओं के वक्तव्यों से’

विपक्ष महाभारत के धृतराष्ट्र की बात याद रखे – ‘वयं पंचाधिकम् शतम्’ अर्थात् दुश्मन से लड़ने के लिए हम एक सौ पांच हैं, सौ और पांच नहीं

टूलकिट कांग्रेस प्रायोजित है या नहीं, इसका फैसला कानून करेगा

महामारी एंव आपदा प्रबंधन किसी भी सरकार लिए मुश्किल होता है। जब भी देश में ऐसा कोई संकट आया है सारा देश संकट से निजात पाने के लिए सामूहिक रूप से खड़ा हो गया। कोरोना की दूसरी लहर ने सभी को हिला कर रख दिया है। इसके गहरे जख्म लम्बे समय तक जहन में रहेंगे।

कोरोना से जंग लड़ रहे फ्रंटलाइन कार्यकर्ता रात-दिन एक कर रहे है। सभी को उम्मीद है कि विपक्ष सकारात्मक भूमिका निभाएगा, पर विपक्ष ने पूरी तरह निराश किया है।

राहुल गांधी जी तो केवल ट्विटर पर ही जिम्मेदारी की इतिश्री कर रहे हैं। जमीन पर कांग्रेस के कार्यकर्ता बहुत कम काम करते हुए दिखे। जो कुछ लोग कर रहे थे, उनकी मंशा पर भी प्रश्नचिह्न खड़ा हो गया है कि क्या वे एजेंडे के तहत ऐसा कर रहे थे, क्योंकि टूलकिट में सोची-समझी रणनीति के तहत अस्पताल के बेड जानबूझ कर खाली रखने की साजिश का जिक्र किया गया है। टूलकिट में कई अहम खुलासे हुए है। ल जिसने भी यह टूलकिट लिखा है, वह इरादतन बहुत ही घिनौना उद्देश्य लेकर कार्य कर रहा है। कोरोना वायरस के ज्यादा संक्रामक स्ट्रेन को वह भारत सेव जोड़ने की साजिश रच रहा है। यही नहीं, मोदी स्ट्रेन जैसे नेरेशन को बढ़ाने की बात स्पष्ट रूप से लिखी गई। भारत की त्रासदी को राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए इस्तेमाल करने का निर्देश देने का काम सुनियोजित ढंग से इसके जरिए किया जा रहा है।

 टूलकिट, कांग्रेस द्वारा प्रायोजित है या नहीं, इसका फैसला कानून करेगा। यह शीघ्र हो, इसकी जिसने भी यह टूलकिट लिखा है, वह इरादतन बहुत ही घिनौना उद्देश्य लेकर कार्य कर रहा है। कोरोना वायरस के ज्यादा संक्रामक स्ट्रेन को वह भारत से जोड़ने की साजिश रच रहा है। यही नहीं, मोदी स्ट्रेन जैसे नेरेशन को बढ़ाने की बात स्पष्ट रूप से लिखी गई। भारत की त्रासदी को राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए इस्तेमाल करने का निर्देश देने का काम सुनियोजित ढंग से इसके जरिए किया जा रहा है।

टूलकिट, कांग्रेस द्वारा प्रायोजित है या नहीं, इसका फैसला कानून करेगा। यह शीघ्र हो, इसकी आवश्यकता भी है। लेकिन प्रथमदृष्टया यह स्पष्ट है कि जिसने भी इसे लिखा है वह कांग्रेस की कार्यकर्ता है और उनके रिसर्च विभाग के प्रमुख के साथ काम करती है, और जैसे ही यह विषय चर्चा में आया उन्होंने अपना ट्विटर एवं लिंक्डइन खाता निरस्त कर दिया। दूसरा अहम विषय है कि अगर हम कांग्रेस नेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं के सोशल मीडिया पोस्ट और वक्तव्यों को जमीनी स्तर पर देखें तो वे सभी इस टूलकिट में लिखे निर्देशों पर चलते स्पष्ट नजर आते हैं। राहुल गांधी के ट्विटर हैंडल को ही देख लें। कांग्रेस समर्थकों के ट्वीट्स देख लें, वे इस टूलकिट के निर्देशों से मेल खाते हैं।

जब भी किसी देश में कोई बड़ी आपदा आती है तो त्रासदी को पूरी तरह से नहीं रोका जा सकता। दूसरी लहर के घातक प्रभाव हम सभी झेल रहे है। तीसरी लहर, विशेषकर ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों पर इसके असर, की चिंता भी भारत को सता रही है। ब्लैक फंगस बीमारी भी घातक रूप ले रही है। वैश्विक स्तर पर भी इस महामारी में भारत की तरह ही कई सरकारें कई समस्याओं से जूझ रही हैं, जबकि वहां स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं का स्तर भारत से कहीं बेहतर था। जरूरी है कि हम इस लड़ाई को सामूहिक रूप से लड़ें। राजनीतिक लाभ- हानि, जन त्रासदी से बढ़कर नहीं है।

इस लड़ाई में हमारा सबसे बड़ा हथियार टीकाकरण का कार्यक्रम ही रहेगा। भारत का सौभाग्य है कि कोवैक्सीन यहां तैयार की गई। उसका उत्पादन जुलाई 2021 तक 35 करोड़ और दिसंबर अंत तक 216 करोड़ हो जाएगा। डीआरडीओ ने एक नई दवाई 2-डीजी के भी इस्तेमाल की अनुमति दे दी है जो बीमारी में हमारा महत्त्वपूर्ण औजार साबित होगी। बतौर डॉ. के.के. अग्रवाल ‘द शो मस्ट गो ऑन’ की भावना से हम इस विपत्ति से शीघ्र निजात पाएंगे।

मेरा विपक्ष से निवेदन है कि महाभारत में धृतराष्ट्र की बात को याद रखें – ‘वयं पंचाधिकम् शतम्।’ अर्थात् दुश्मन से लड़ने के लिए हम एक सौ पांच हैं, सौ और पांच नहीं।

गोपाल कृष्णा अग्रवाल

राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता भारतीय जनता पार्टी

India can’t lose out on this window of economic reforms

By Gopal Krishna Agarwal,

There is a marked difference between the agitating farmers and the anti-social, ultra-Left, and pro-Khalistani elements who are piggybacking on them. Understanding this difference is important for citizens in general, and politicians in particular. One, this agitation is not merely a law and order issue, and dealing with it as such will be a mistake. Two, it is not focused on the interest of the farmers, and it is also not about the three farm laws alone — so any effort to explain the benefits of these laws will not cut any ice. Three, there are emerging strains between two different factions — the Sikhs of Punjab, concentrated at the Singhu border, and Jats from western Uttar Pradesh, stationed at the Ghazipur border. While those at Singhu are averse to any political intervention, at Ghazipur, Rakesh Tikait has shown indications of political ambition.

How the government deals with these two strains will be important in the coming days. The plot has got thicker with global players, spanning both State and non-State actors, jumping on to the bandwagon. All of this makes it clear that this is a political movement against the Narendra Modi government, and it has to be dealt with politically. The farm laws are good for agriculture and will benefit farmers to a large extent by creating an alternative and transparent ecosystem for attracting private investment in this capital-deficient sector, which has been starved of market reforms for decades. But leaders of the movement insist on a repeal of the laws and will not accept any amendments. The government has already bent backwards, agreeing to more than a dozen amendments, allaying concerns on Minimum Support Price, and offering to suspend these three laws for up to 18 months, which will make them ineffective till that time.

The government’s reluctance to repeal the laws stems from the conviction about the need for market-oriented reforms in the sector and increasing the role of private players in the agri-economy. This stand has been reiterated over two decades by agro-economists, parliamentary standing committees, empowered committees of the state agriculture ministers and several commissions. If this moment of reckoning is lost, it will cause irreparable damage to the democratic polity of the country. The question, thus, is, will India move towards anarchy? Will there be tyranny of the unelected, or will we respect democratic institutions such as Parliament, the Supreme Court and the process of law- making as envisaged in the Constitution?

Reforms are difficult. Benefits come with a time lag and are spread thin, while their adverse impact on certain stakeholders are marked and immediate. Reforms need extraordinary political capital, and so the political class is reluctant to carry them out. As such, we have not seen many major reforms since 1991 (except the Goods and Services Tax and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016); even the original ones were limited and carried out under compulsion of imminent sovereign default. The leadership at that time could not muster the courage to undertake major reforms in land, labour and agriculture segments. We lost an opportunity in the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Act, and if this golden opportunity is lost, we may not have any appetite left to undertake mega reforms. There are no more low-hanging fruits available for reforms.

left to political class alone. Politics will be what it is with limitations in a democratic ecosystem. Let us all rise to the occasion.

Gopal Krishna Agarwal is a national spokesperson

of the Bharatiya Janata Party 

‘India has become engine of growth for global economy’

By Gopal Krishna Agarwal

National Spokesperson of BJP,

While many countries in Europe are reeling under recession, India is an outlier, one of the fastest growing economies in the world and attracting the highest fdi

India has become the engine of growth for the global economy under the present government at the Centre, headed by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. When we came to power in 2014, our economy was facing twin balance sheet problem, the banks were extremely weak and the corporate sector was highly leveraged and not in a position to service debts. Due to several initiatives, the economy is deleveraged and the banking sector is strong now, says Gopal Krishna Agarwal, National Spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party, in an exclusive interaction with Bizz Buzz

What is your view about India becoming $5 trillion economy?

Very heartening to know that, Indian GDP is moving towards $5 trillion, not only Indian economy is doing good, it is the fastest growing major economy of the world for two consecutive years, and is poised to be the same for the coming year too. In fact, India has become the engine of growth for the global economy. When we came to power in 2014, our economy was facing twin balance sheet problem, the banks were extremely weak and the corporate sector was highly leveraged and not in a position to service debts. Due to several initiatives, the economy is deleveraged and the banking sector is strong now. Banking Sector reforms include NPA resolution, IBC and Capital infusion. Thus, the country’s economy is deleveraged, and can go for fresh investments from the private sector. Leadership and vision makes all the difference, it was possible due to able macroeconomic management by Modi government.

What is your view on inflation? Inflation has come down from double digit to less than 5 per cent to at 4.25 per cent retail inflation and food inflation at 2.91 per cent. What is your comment on GDP growth? As per NSSO data Indian GDP growth rate is at 7.2 per cent (despite global headwind) and Q4 GDP growth rate is 6.1 per cent YoY, punctures hole in the narration of pent up demand. Earlier, predictions had been made that the GDP growth rate will come down going forwards. But figures show that Indian economy is headed in the right direction and there is considerable momentum. Please throw some light on collection of direct and indirect taxes.
GST collection in April 2023 was at Rs 1.87 lakh crore, despite reduction in average net GST rate to 11.6 per cent as per RBI report. Similarly, direct tax collection was to the tune of Rs 16.61 lakh crore, an increase of 17.63 per cent over last year (FY23). Of course, we achieved this in spite of reduction in corporate tax and higher exemption in personal tax. Your view on other economic parameters like PMI, IIP etc. Purchase manager Index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector currently stands at 57.2 whereas in case of services sector, it was at 62, which shows the highest after 13 years. Both are in the expansionary mode. Coming on IIP, the figure for April is 4.2, up from March 2023, shows robust growth in the manufacturing sector. In terms of infrastructure standing, Capex of government has increased to 3.3 per cent of GDP. Average share of Capex to total expenditure is 16.8 per cent, this shows increase in the quality of expenditure of the Union Government.

How can we say that the country was having its robust economy at present? Well, major data points to robust economy include FDI in year 21-22 was $84.8 billion, exports have crossed $770 billion in 2022-23. Moreover, the country has the third largest startup ecosystem and 115 Unicorns. Besides, India boasts of having the highest digital payment at Rs 15,468 lakh crores value digital transactions. Not only that, India ranks first in fintech adoption. We are among the top mobile manufactures in the world. Above all, Air India disinvestment is the best example of privatisation of PSE policy. How can we say that govt is moving in the right direction? Govt has been working in a team spirit with the financial institutions particularly RBI and Ministry of Finance. The test of independence of an institution is not an adversarial relation with the govt but working together to make a strong economy. Leadership and vision makes all the difference, able macroeconomic management by Modi government, the counter cyclical measures taken by the RBI and the ministry and staggered approach in the fiscal stimulus package- Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Package have helped the Indian economy to recover post Covid, and manage inflation, recession and fiscal deficit. Give some examples of formalisation of economy and policy reforms. They include GST, E assessment, DBT, financial inclusion, IBC, PLI, fintech, UPI, digital India, audit trail. Can you explain future orientation of Budget? This is visible by facts like AI, renewable energy, blockchain, green hydrogen, connectivity, cultural economy (art, culture, music, dance, food, festival, architecture, tourism).

What are the major achievement of Narendra Modi govt? The major achievements have been management of Covid pandemic and economic recovery package thereafter. The pandemic has caused global disruption among major economies. US the largest economy in the world is facing unprecedented inflation not seen for the last 40 years of its history. One country after another in Europe reeling under recession whether it’s UK, Germany, France and, even China has not come out of the shock it received from the forced lockdown during Covid19. India is an outlier, one of the fastest growing economy in the world, attracting highest FDI. Banks after banks in US and Europe are failing and are going for bankruptcy. There central banks do not seem to have the road map to deal with the situation. They lack institutional capability to oversee crisis. Contrast this the way our government and institution have dealt with the problem of pandemic. Due to visionary approach and concerted efforts of the government and the institutional resilience to meet the crises, all the three major macro-economic parameters inflation, recession and fiscal deficit are in healthy domain. International institutions, Morgan Stanley report points towards healthy growth prospects for the Indian economy. Google’s Economy report says that internet economy of India will grow 5 times between 2023 and 2030 and will contribute about 12-13 percent of GDP. Enablers like Aadhar, UPI, Digi locker, ONDC, Unified Health interface, India stack, Rupay and NPCI network abroad and software services is expected to be a big export growth area. On this background I would like to state that the global interest in India is steaming from the realization that in the coming decades the economic activity is moving toward India. India will be a major driver for global economy. All this is because we have a determined and visionary leadership in Shri Narendra Modi Ji.

BJP Changes of Guard: Impact on India’s Economic Fortune

By Gopal Krishna Agarwal,

Gopal Krishna Agarwal analyses the rise of Narendra modi and its impact on Business sentiments, trade and investments in India.

Narendra Modi chief minister of Gujarat was appointed a member to the parliament Board the highest decision making body of Bharatiya Janata Party in March this year. Later in September, He was declared the Prime Minister Candidate of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In 200, He Became Gujarat’s CM and after reelection in 2002, 2007 and 2012, heads a corruption free, transparent and an efficient administration in the state. Though regularly attacked for the 2002 Gujarat riots. Modi is also praised for outstanding administration in turning Gujarat into an economic powerhouse. He has been successful in bringing the development plank as an election agenda.

Will India Shine Under NaMo?

Though Modi’s appeal cut across all classes, regions and age groups, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Indian business community, youth and burg coning middle class are the biggest votaries of Narendra Modi. The fact that the Indian business community, generally obsequious and fawning before government of the day has risked the wrath of the present regime in doing so speaks volumes.

The economy is going through done of the most difficult times in recent memory. The UPA II government instead of navigating the economy through the turbulence caused by global factors, has exacerbated it through clumsy policies, entitlement schemes without proper budgeting and the worst kind of kleptocracy. There are both political and economic factors affecting business sentiments, trade and investments. Politically, we have a situation where there are different centers of power and responsibility. A cabinet in which ministers pull and different directions and a government that a lacks conviction in its own policies. The present macro economic situation is rife with sticky inflation, rising fiscal as well as current account deficits falling rupee slow pace of reforms and an overall policy paralysis. These two sets of factors have dealt crippling blow to business sentiment and trade and investments. We are in a situation where the finance minister of the country is trying to convince global capital to come to India of a time when even Indian capital is looking for markets abroad.

In order to crystal gaze the impact of the rise of Narendra Modi on Business sentiments, trade and investments. It would be pertinent to analyze the philosophy underpinning the policies of the Gujarat Government headed by him. While there is a small but vocal group backed by rival political parties and other vested interest that questions every figure that show Gujarat in positive light, their efforts have failed to hide the state’s inexorable rise under the leadership of Narendra Modi a fact that is now also acknowledged by the international community. This also relegates to the background the claim that figures are being manipulated to present a positive picture

Modi Mantra in Gujarat    

So what are the defining characteristics of Narendra Modi’s style of managements that is relevant from the macro-economic points of view? He has focused on ‘less government and more governance, which broadly means unobtrusive but effective government. His e-governance model with decentralized decision making and power is his major forte. He has also emphasized on a transparent corruption free, consensus oriented good governance model with emphasis on inclusive participation, timely clearance of project proposals focus on infrastructure improvement and revival of agricultural sector.  The government follows the rule of law with efficiency and effectiveness and is accountable to the people. His decision-making is quick and timely and believes in single window clearance as we seen in the case of Tata’s Nano project. Gujarat under Modi’s leadership has excelled in infrastructure development and has created world class linkages acting as a backbone in the present global compitetive scenario. The successful functioning of the BRT public transport system in Ahmedabad is one such shining example. He has been instrumental in creating urban landscape at par with international standards. Gujarat has successfully implemented power sector reforms and is supplying 24*7 powers to 100 percent of villages.

Modi Means Business

The Government under modi would definitely improve business sentiment leading to an increase in both trade and investment. Sustained growth rarely occurs and autopilot. It requires competent leadership at the top. The most fundamental change from the present government would be the absence of the dual power centres. The de jure center of power would also be de facto one. This would impart realism in policy formations which is greatly missing today. The right of centre ideology subscribed to by the BJP and Modi does not see itself in an adversarial relationship vis-à-vis the business community, but as partners to realize the potential of the country. This in itself would be a major change that would affect business sentiment  positively. The NDA under the leadership of BJP was focused on improving physical infrastructure, which would continue under modi. We are trained to think that the best rate the agriculture sector in India can achieve is 4 percent, but this has been believed by Gujarat experience. Where the agricultural sector grew by around 10 percent for more than a decade. We should therefore expect a paradigm shift in the way the agricultural sector would be dealt with under Modi.  This focus on physical infrastructure and agriculture would remove supply bottlenecks and would bring down inflation. Better infrastructure would also make our exports more competitive and boost trade. A lower rate of inflation would allow the monetary authority to lower interest rates and thus revive investments. A focus on urban infrastructure for rural areas and rising rural income would also augment domestic demand, as more than 60 percent of our total population is living in rural areas. It was under the NDA government that the FRBM Act was enacted and fiscal responsibility targets were met. At the National level the BJP is assimilating good governance models of its various state governments and intends to replicate them on a Pan India Basis, whether it is the socially inclusive focus of Madhya Pradesh government or the Public Distribution System (PDS) of the Chhattisgarh government. Modi would also put the economy back on the path of fiscal consolidation considering his treatment of state owned enterprises in Gujarat, it would not be wrong to expect that they would be given operational freedom to achieve efficiency and scale.

First among Equal

How does Narendra Modi fit in the whole scheme of things? It is an undeniable fact that Modi is first among the present day BJP leadership Modi has a very wide acceptance amongst young voters and considering the present Indian demography, is most suited to capture the youth bulge. In the 2014 elections around 120 million voters would be voting for the first time. In is under his leadership that the party has the most realistic chances of surpassing its previous tally of 182 seats. It has been the experience that voters consolidate towards the winner in sight. As far as his ability to bring coalition partners on board is concerned, we already see two parties jockeying to align with BJP in Haryana. These would improve with the elections drawing near. It has anyway been the experience that parties come together to form the government only after elections and very few parties enter into a pre-poll alliance. Future uncertainly harms business sentiments to a great extend but as we move towards overcoming this uncertainty one sees gradual improvement in business sentiment.

People who grudgingly accept the development of Gujarat under Narendra Modi claim that this success cannot be replicated at the Pan Indian level as he would be hamstrung by coalition partners and powerful leaders within BJP unlike Gujarat where he virtually has free rein. We believe that not only would he be able to repeat the success of Gujarat, But would also surpass it. It should be noted that considering the very limited powers of state in India. Narendra modi’s   achievements are indeed commendable. He has infused new hope and confidence in the people of the country. Particularly the youth that comprises 65 percent of the total population. He has been able to generate the can do spirit that is evident in the national and international business and political community. Under the stewardship of Narendra Modi. India would be able to achieve its true economic potential and become an economic super power.

India must use its cultural wealth to be global economic power

Cultural economic governance assumes great importance at the stage of policy formulation and its implementation

By Gopal Krishna Agarwal

India has a glorious past. At one point in time it contributed more than 25 per cent to the world’s gross domestic product and controlled about 28 per cent of global trade and commerce. Being an economic power for several centuries, India played a leadership role in all fields – whether it is art, culture, music, dance, food, festivals, architecture or handicrafts. Indian civilization’s contribution to the world heritage has been immense. Unfortunately, history took an unpleasant turn and India saw foreign occupation for almost a millennia; in these thousand years we were robbed of our glory and wealth.

There is a close interrelationship between the culture and the economy. Our economy was an important factor for our glorious civilization and cultural heritage. The reverse also held true – our cultural content contributed to our strong economy. If India has to assume global leadership position again, it has to be an economic power first. We can use our cultural wealth to catalyse India’s economy.

India’s potential in the field of culture is immense. However, there is a lack of understanding on how to put this accumulated cultural wealth over millennia to achieve economic growth. For realising the true potential of India’s imbedded cultural content, and identifying variables and their interrelationship for evidence-based decision making and resource allocations, we have to work on multiple dimensions of cultural economy; what are its performance and potential indicators, how monetisation can lead to unlocking valuations of cultural activities, what are its financial requisites to be fulfilled by innovative financial instruments for sustainability. According to a study only about 20 per cent of cultural organisations worldwide consider themselves financially sustainable. The government is an important driver of any initiative. Therefore, cultural economic governance assumes great importance at the stage of policy formulation and its implementation. The cultural sector directly employs about 4.5 million people as artisans, performers, tourism guides etc. In addition, handicrafts and traditional art industries provide employment to about 6 million people. Through introduction of new curriculum and vocational studies in the education system, the government has to work on skilling and capacity building of these stakeholders. According to a report by the Ministry of Rural Development, only 10 per cent of rural artisans have access to formal training programs. It is estimated that capacity building initiatives in cultural sectors can lead to a 20-30 per cent increase in productivity and revenue for cultural enterprises. A survey conducted by UNESCO found that 70 per cent of traditional artisans feel their skills are not aligned with current market demand.

Establishing social and economic linkages for performing arts can propel growth in all art forms, contributing to huge employment and revenue generation. The Indian film industry alone contributes around Rs 180,000 crore annually to the economy but its global potential is still unexploited. Yoga in the United States has become a $15 billion business annually. Is there a way to ensure that the economic benefits of the wider acceptance of Yoga flow to India? All these and other important sectors have to be extensively worked on.

The civilization wealth that we have inherited from our ancestors can be put to use only after we start taking pride in them. We are fortunate that, with the rise of aspirational Indians, there is a revival of pride in our cultural traditions and civilization values in the country. We have had initiatives like building the Ram temple in Ayodhya: Its ambitious redevelopment project costing over Rs 85,000 crore will be completed by 2031, transforming the city to accommodate a footfall of around 300,000 pilgrims daily. Kashi Vishwanath Temple had 20,000-30,000 daily visitors before redevelopment; after the revamp, the daily number of visitors increased to 1.5-2 lakh. There are some 2 million temples across India, in addition to their religious and spiritual importance, temples were designed to serve as commercial centres attracting tourists/pilgrims and support business activities in the areas of retail, transportation, and hospitality. Festivals in India are estimated to contribute Rs 2 trillion annually. According to a CII report, Kumbh Mela in 2019 generated business over Rs 1. trillion and Uttar Pradesh had to spend only Rs. 4,200 crore for the event.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working on realising this vision further by setting up Tamil Cultural Centers across the globe and showcasing India’s diverse and vibrant cultural heritage to the world leaders through the G20 platform. India has 42 UNESCO World Heritage Sites as of now. A total of 46 new projects have been sanctioned and 27 new pilgrimage sites have been identified across India for development of infrastructure and tourist amenities for enriching the religious tourism experience under the PRASHAD scheme of the central government. Spiritual and religious tourism in India commands a significant portion of the travel and tourism sector, holding a 30 per cent market share and accounting for 60 per cent of the domestic tourism market.

What we require is to develop a comprehensive Cultural Economic Model. it will serve as a catalyst for our nation’s economic growth, till we become a developed nation by the year 2047. Our cultural economic model will also be a case-study for other economies to emulate and propel their own economic growth using their social and cultural wealth.

The writer is a national spokesperson of the BJP and patron, MCES 2024